FBI reports that Violent Crime is at 40 year low. Number of guns is much higher than 40 years ago.
There were about 800 drowing deaths for kids under 15 in 2009.
There were less than 400 firearm deaths for kids under 15 including accidents, suicide and homicide.
DUI deaths caused by DUI drivers were under 2000 in 2009(not including people in same car as drunk).
About 181 kids under 14 killed by DUI in 2009.
The takeaway is that foremost we need more (bullet proof) life jackets. The majority of the firearm homicides occur in gang situations. Only big public outcry for random homicides, and they are limited.
In 2009, 31,347 persons died from firearm injuries in the United States, accounting for 17.7% of all injury deaths that year. The two major component causes of all firearm injury deaths in 2009 were suicide (59.8%) and homicide (36.7%).
Just love reading CDC journals in the middle of night.