Fatty Boom-boom, You wrote: “Make the decisions and get on with the things that make your family’s life better.” Well no duh… that is exactly what I’ve done.
Moving across country and starting over is not the easiest thing to do, especially for a dedicated CA girl with family all in SolBeach, DelMar and Coronado, but it was the RIGHT thing to do for my kids, for our financial future. I did not like listening to all the know-it-all “investors” telling me I’d regret it and that they’d see me “next year” when I moved back to CA after making such a horrible mistake.
I love it here now, the public schools where I live are absolutely amazing. There is no comparison with CA public schools, even in the best neighborhoods. The great things that are happening for my kids would never have happened out there (academically, musically). But, I acknowledge that I have the best of both worlds since I get to spend my summers on the beach in DMar. (although Lake George and Biddeford Pool have their summer charms….) maybe I wouldnt like it so much if I was really cut off from CA completely.
I come to pigginton to watch the show unfold, but mostly to wait and understand when is the best time to buy a vacation place (which we can do because we made a good decision to move someplace cheaper and actually build a SAVINGS ACCOUNT).