The shooter was known as a liberal. Weren’t his fave books by communists and socialists? [/quote]
The shooter was a nut job.
To say he was liberal (or conservative) is a stretch from the limited info we have.
From what I’ve read he listed both the Communist Manifesto AND Mein Kampf as books he endorsed. I don’t think Mein Kampf is liberal.
Hitler (author of Mein Kampf) was the ultimate authoritarian. Yet this disturbed kid also promoted Animal Farm – which is a satire that warns against authoritarianism.
I don’t think ANY of us have any idea what this kids’ politics are.
And Gifford was a conservative Dem… not part of the liberal branch of democratic caucus. She was a blue dog. From many people’s perspective she represented the middle, the independents and moderates.
This isn’t a right left thing… this is a schizophrenic break thing. It is not rational.