[quote=faterikcartman]I think Apple computers are great for people who are relatively technologically ignorant or want to be fashionable. Sort of the computer equivalent of BOSE speakers. If you’re in this category you’ll probably be well served and won’t even notice what you’re missing.[/quote]
Hahaha I know a number of high-tech engineering companies that are 100% Apple. It is a great host platform for virtual machines so there is a lot of linux development on Apple hardware via the VM route too. The Apple HW is also well-engineered and more reliable than most PCs. When you are dropping a few Gs for a workstation, it had better g***amn be made out of metal IMO. Dells/HPs are usually el cheapo plastic. The Mac Pro is built like a tank. You could knock down a building with it and it would still run like new.
Apples are basically the modern equivalent of those Sun and Apollo workstations all engineering offices used in the 90s/early 2000s. They run a proprietary UNIX-type OS, they’re highly reliable, set-it-and-forget-it.
What I worry about in the future is that they’ll become bloated and buggy just like the Windows PC world did. Windows 95 was great, XP was better, but it’s been downhill ever since.