[quote=faterikcartman]And with that my wife tells me I’m not allowed to post in this thread anymore. :([/quote]
CE then says
“Huh? What hun? Umm No… I’m not blogging… I am writing a email to my mother… What? When did my mother learn how to emai…”
So I am going to bit the troll bait here. Gun owner. Only two… A Browning over/under 20 gauge that I grew up with skeet shooting. Yes I was the under 16 Champion of NV two years running… However the competition was pretty small because more ppl shoot Trap than Skeet and I own a P226 Navy Sig Sauer for home protection.
That being said I watched Micheal Moore’s “Bowling for Columbine” and I think he hit the problem right on the head. After gun bashing for 45 minutes (or whatever it was) he complete ignored the opening premise that guns were bad and started with a ppl are bad and what is wrong with Americans thinking approach.
He began to talk about Canada. Guns are free available there and yet ppl there don’t even lock thier own doors! He proved his point by randomly walking into Canadians homes to show they weren’t even locked. I thought he was crazy! In this country you would have gotten shot. But the mentality is different there and that seemed to be the key.
Yes they have some violence there as well but the per captia numbers are no where near the US.