[quote=faterikcartman] if George Bush did this what would the reaction of the media and political opposition be? Be honest here.[/quote]
If GWB pushed a “health care” bill I think the media would have a hard time explaining it and I think his base would spontaneously combust.
With that said, I could care less about the constitution. It’s an old irrelevant document and almost time to put it down to rest. I’m more concerned with the motivations for perceived violations.
It all comes down to what you put your faith in. It also comes down to how connected you are to it. What I mean by this is that there are people who say they believe in something. A time comes when that belief is tested and you find that most people do not actually believe in what they say they believe in. They immediately fall back upon trying to work it out according to personal knowledge and their wits. Beliefs are as easy to state as ordering from a restaurant menu. Lip service seems to be the order of the day. Soon everyone is going to find out just what this means.
[quote=faterikcartman] I recommend everyone who isn’t a history buff do a little research on how well the American left loved Mussolini.[/quote]
I’d say you know very little about the American left during the depression.