[quote=fat_lazy_union_worker] Btw: you might get 50mpg in your prius, but I recall you live in CV and work in downtown. I might get 20mpg (24 if I really really drive like a pansy), but I drive 5 miles to work every day I don’t telecommute. And my sig other doesn’t even take the freeway and has a 10 min commute. So, again, let’s see who’s really gonna hurt with $7/gal or even $10/gal gas.
The commute won’t get you, it’ll be the $10/gal milk, $9 loaf of bread, and $10/lb beef, chicken and pork and 20% price in everything at Walmart, CostCo and Target that will get you.
My primary complaint is that people claiming a needed change. Global warming is about making money. The climate may be warming but the determination of the cause and the effects, is purely political.