I’ll go on record for saying. In about 2-3 years, you’re going to see a bunch of VC money flushed down the tubes who have invested in “alternative energy” such as solar, electric cars,etc.
Why? Because cheap gas prices are here to stay, and coupled with a downturn in the economy, any alternative type of technology is going to be considerably more expensive than stuff that will run on fossil fuel.
I agree. It makes no sense to buy a new car to save gas when you end up going into more debt and paying out more in interest expenses.
Consumers will not switch over-night. There has to be an organic incremental change to alternative energy.
Investments need to be long range and commensurate with demand. The Toyota way is be best of the car makers in my opinion. Make excellent internal combustion engine cars while rolling out hybrids and alternative energy vehicles based on market demand. The key is to have the foresight to invest in the research have the technology available when the demand is there.