4) Harddrive spare. I think that’s what I’ll do.
5) I’ll also continue to burn stuff onto DVD’s as a backup of backup. I use Nero backup, which writes the files in normal format to DVD’s. I’m leary of DVD’s or CD’s for the long term (+10 years). I’ve taken a few of my original CD’s out that I burned back in 1998.. I slightly flexed them a bit, and the metalic layer pealed off, rendering the disk completely useless (except for a drink coaster).
For 4), I use this: http://www.fileback-pc.com/. I’m sure there are others that automate file back-ups and/or synchronization just as well, but it works well enough that I haven’t had to shop.
I back up irreplaceable data to DVDs now and then and ship them off to a relative. A safe deposit box would work even better.
As a third measure, I also use a web hosting service (www.lunarpages.com) to dump data to. It’s cheap to begin with ($60-80 a year) and I have other uses for the service, anyhow, so having a 3rd back-up is just an added bonus.