[quote=familyguy]You could definitely be right ocr, my only point was that the landscaping itself seemed nicely done, well above the level one would expect to get from the builder.
Of course, as we know the majority of the landscaping that means anything is underground…who knows what schedule PVC they used, how the footers on the hardscaping were done, etc.[/quote]
I do agree with that. And while they are better than the typical “free” builder included landscape, they are still quite pedestrian and relatively inexpensive.
I will also say this about Serenity. it may very well still be a viable alternative for buyers, but savvyshopper should really use Toll to exert pressure on Serenity to get the pricing down.
For example, in all likelihood the offerings from Toll will prove to be of better standard and quality. Take a Toll model at $850k on a lot without premium. And compare to Serenity’s offering with the front yard landscaped for $880k. Subtract the $30k extra, which is basically the front yard and the kitchen upgrades, I would still say the serenity home is not worth $850k. More like $800k or even high 700k for those two lots prior to the dress up.
So if savvyshopper is willing, I say wait for the Toll models to be built. You’ll be able to see for yourself that Toll may be of better quality, and use Toll to drive down the serenity prices by $50k.