[quote=familyguy]I just got the feeling that the homes were “squished” in. Especially the two story; the driveway for example, it looks nice but if you think about actually putting a car in either garage it would have to be a Cooper mini as there simply isn’t enough room to negotiate the turns.
Further, there is little or no space between the pillars and the front door. IMO there needs to be at least 6′ or so between the pillars and front door, the current configuration has about 2.5′ (roughly.) Then, once you get inside the double stair case is beautiful, but again it’s SO close to the front door that you have to stand outside to appreciate it. Great concept, but far to little space for the design. Once inside, there are no bathroom doors installed but if you can imagine the bathrooms with doors in the bedrooms, you’ll find there will be barely enough room to close the door without hitting the toilet. I think someone who hasn’t purchased a brand new home after seeing models might overlook this so it’s something to concider.
I thought the backyards at both places were done nicely, and the finishes were nice as well. When you actuially price out a home with a view and outfit it anywhere close to the models you would easily be in the million+ range which again IMHO, is overpriced.
Just my .02[/quote]
I completely agree. Especially the 2nd model’s stairway is overdone. This just doesn’t belong into that size of house. Other than that, the homes are clearly overpriced given the fact that a lot of options are necessary to make the house nice.