Excuse me? I thought he threw the race card as an opener? He is that tedious sort of soul willing to say anything to win.
Let’s review the bidding:
Bobama went off to Occidental, a hotbed of liberal shitheadery, in 1981. Seven years later, he shows up at Harvard to go to law school. In the interim, he claimed to be the Director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland on Chicago’s South Side. Anyone who knows Chicago, knows that Roseland is a sham community with no residents. It is the piece of dirt that surrounds the airport, and is completely owned and run by the mob. This was when he went to work for Tony Rezko.
At Harvard, he becomes the President of the Law Review without ever writing a single article. One suspects the soft racism of low expectations. It’s just as racist to choose someone for a job by the color of their skin as to deny one. Bobama stays off the record, collects his Magnum cum Loaded, and heads back to Chitown.
Two years later he parks his shingle at a law firm where he had no clients, and did no work. He also becomes a “Visiting Professor” of ConnLaw at UofC. One might wonder, would this not require advanced study of some sort, or at least publishing a book? Not if you’re a democrat. Is this a great country or what?
In 1996 he inherited his state senate seat, and became Rezko’s stooge in the statehouse. From then on, he’s been living off the fat of the electorate.