This part bothers me now, “The mainstream press hasn’t reported this either: A provision in the $700 billion bailout bill permits the Fed to pay interest on the collateral it’s holding, which is simply a way to funnel taxpayer dollars directly into the investment banks”
“…..Essentially, banks will be allowed to pretend they have far higher-quality loans than they actually do. AIG can’t cover for them anymore.”
“And third, and most importantly, without the huge fraud perpetrated by AIG, the mortgage bubble could have never grown as large as it did. Yes, other factors contributed, like the role of Fannie and Freddie in particular. But the key to enabling the huge global growth in credit during the last decade can be tied directly to AIG’s sale of credit default swaps without collateral. That was the barn door. And it was left open for nearly a decade. ”
How do you fix that??? As they continue to say:
“There’s no way to replace this massive credit-building machine, which makes me very skeptical of the government’s bailout plan. Quite simply, we can’t replace the credit that existed in the world before September 15 because it didn’t deserve to be there in the first place. While the government can, and certainly will, paper over the gaping holes left by this enormous credit collapse, it can’t actually replace the trust and credit that existed… because it was a fraud. ”