Exactly. Our system is not perfect nor is any system. If your dad’s case turned out to be unusual or complex he may have had a different experience. You dont get to pick what is wrong with you, it just happens and you have to deal with. Every question I asked my friend who consults, teaches and builds health care delivery systems all over the world he always ended with the same statement. With all its flaws we still have the best health care in the world in the US. Next on his calender is the Ukraine and then Iraq. The best part of it all is that he is the most prolific FB poster I know. He posts 5 to 10 times a day so we all get to live his travels vicariously. He has lots of friends in LA/Hollywood as that is where he first practiced out of med school. They have a reality show in development on his life and part of the reason he is in SoCal is to meet with some of the cable networks. Who knows, you may be watching his travels soon also.