Ex-SD: I work in a pretty specialized field (seismic and blast engineering), and it seems to me that a return to some good old-fashioned 1930s WPA-type infrastructure programs (repairing and replacing bridges, roads, railways, etc) might be just the ticket.
We need something of substance to restart the economy and reinvigorate America’s manufacturing base, and it sure as hell isn’t residential housing or commercial real estate.
I like McCain’s proposal regarding building new nuke reactors. France derives 80% of their power from nukes, and they have been very successful with building and maintaining their power plants. The added benefit to America is bringing some fairly heavy engineering capability back to our shores, as well as putting folks to work on badly needed programs to fix our collapsing infrastructure and power base.
What worries me about Obama is the same thing that worries you: Where’s the beef? I will grant that he is an outstanding orator, but beyond the rhetoric, I have seen little of real substance.