Even with that we get homes that come out with crossed wiring and other hazards. The regulations don’t save us a bit. What motivates the producer here is the knoweldge we’ll buy from a different manufacturer as well as civil liability.
Wow– a libertarian who is actually in favor of replacing gov’t regs with tort lawsuits. I never thought I’d see the day when a libertarian contended that tort lawsuits were “efficient.”
Back to SF– the buyers/lenders/insurers can make all the demands they want, except some people are going to build sh_t for houses no matter how dangerous absent laws telling them that they can’t. The danger is not limited to those fools– fire spreads. No man is an island.
Put another way– you can do due diligence on your car until the cows come home– buy a Volvo, get airbags, test the rubber on your tires, etc. But if the slob next to you is driving a piece of crap, without headlights, and without safe tires, you are still in danger.