Even in spite of its problems, this is a great place to live. Those who grew up here may never really appreciate it as well as those of use who uprooted ourselves and made the effort to move here. It is more expensive, it can be a pain, but IMO it’s worth it. RE will always command a premium here compared to other parts of the country. That said though, the nice parts of town here are still way overpriced. The pain train’s a coming. You’ll see the headlight come around the bend in 2009 and it’s gonna steamroll over the Option ARMy and the Alt-Apes starting in 2010.
In other news, I just got my lease renewal. The landlord didn’t even try to raise my rent this year. Heh heh. I’ll hunker down in my bunker for another year and pop my head out next year on Groundhog Day. If North Park crapbox 2/1s are still selling for $500K, back in my hidey-hole I’ll go for another year…