Even if temporarily I could place a Park Style trailer on the property if it were allowed.
As far as water goes, I think I could construct a small water tower, and have water shipped in as required.
I was also considering the foothills of the Sierra’s as well.
I really think I could buy a lot in California City for under 10k.
I have also considered Landers and Joshua Tree.
People think I’m crazy when I mention this scenario of buying land and putting a manufactured home on the land. On the other hand this is my current situation:
Yes, I have engineering degrees; but that and .50 cents might buy you a cup of cheap coffee.
I work in the high tech world, I’m well over 40, my company is literally laying off by the hundreds, and I make over 100k.
High tech companies in particular don’t really hire people like me: the perception being we cost to much and make to much.
So if I loose my job I will likely loose my house, so at least I’ll have somewhere to go.