[quote Eugene]The correct unit to measure fallout is becquerels per square meter or curies per square kilometer.[/quote]
Yes and no. Both Becquerel and Curies relate to decay rate. There is no relation to the damage of human tissue, nor to the amount of energy delivered to target – which relate to Rads, Rems(roentgen) or Sieverts. Both of these measurements (Becquerel, Curies ) map directly to readings on unshielded counters (moment you start shielding the counter, you are considering energy).
The measures that are important to human ‘survivability’ are based in Rads/Rems because they also account for the potential tissue damage.
[quote Eugene]At the very least, they would want to use rads per hour. [/quote]Definitely. Or better Rems/hr because it takes into account the potential of the particular type of radiation to cause tissue damage.