[quote=Eugene][quote]First, spending clearly has not been cut enough or we wouldn’t be discussing this.[/quote]
Depends on what you mean by “enough”. Not enough to close the budget hole. Enough that there are no easy solutions left.
You’re ignoring the fact that the current $25 Billion dollar shortfall is made up of three pieces:
$6 Billion this fiscal year from missed projections.
$9 billion in falling revenue
$10 Billion in planned spending increases
[quote]Second, it has been shown time and time again that pumping money into a school system does not translate to better educational outcomes. [/quote]
Yes, it does. States with high K-12 spending per capita, (MA/NJ/CT/VT/…) [/quote]
Conveniently ignoring the #1 spending area, The District of Columbia, aka Washington DC which has fairly poor schools. Last report I saw from June 2009 has their on time graduation rate below 50%…