[quote=Eugene][quote=jameswenn]I don’t think the person who wrote that has ever really been down here.
I used to think technology was big in San Diego before I moved down here from Los Angeles. Once I got here, I realized that Federal jobs and tourism are the real driver of the economy in San Diego. It’s not publicized because public sector jobs aren’t as sexy as Biotech and Wireless.
Technology is the primary reason why houses in Carmel Valley and Sorrento Valley are three times more expensive than identical houses in Chula Vista.
Silicon Valley and Seattle excluded, I don’t think there is a single place in the country where technology is THE driver of the economy. But it is quite strong in San Diego compared to many other large cities.[/quote]
Granted it WAS the driver. But is it still driving the economy? Or has it left town? (So to speak).
They used to say the same thing about the area I live. They don’t anymore.*
*Except in the usual government sponsored propaganda and real estate pimping media vehicles.