[quote=Eugene]And, ultimately because of this cognitive dissonance, and because of all the talk about Aztlan, and the rampant evidence of hispanicization, where historically white cities like Santa Ana turn Spanish-speaking in the course of one generation … that makes white citizens unsure about the real intentions and allegiances of those immigrants … and that’s why they are worried. And events like this one, where immigrants actually feel offended by the sight of an American flag, make them worried even more.
Maybe if there were more immigrant protests where those immigrants choose to make “we like this country, we want to stay” the primary topic, rather than “we’re Mexican, we’re proud to be Mexican, and we won’t take any of this offensive s**t from you PILGRIMS”, there wouldn’t have been so much racial tension.[/quote]
This is also an excellent post, and I couldn’t agree more.
I’ve personally been told by some of my Mexican friends that they “intend to take **their** country back, and they won’t even have to shed a drop of blood in war.” I’ve also heard this in college where the Hispanic students were allowed to have a “Hispanic” house where Hispanic students could exclusively hang out. Can you imagine the uproar if white students had their own “White European” house? The blacks at our college also had their own graduation ceremony if they wanted to graduate “with their own” instead of with the rest of us. All of this was sanctioned and paid for by our public university. Again, what would happen if whites had their own (university-sponsored!) graduation ceremony?
In the face of all this, white Americans are told to shut up about it all, or they’ll be called “racist” (which, apparently, is the worst thing you can be called in our PC world).
Sorry, but the students who were wearing the American flag shirts (just regular Old Navy shirts!), were entirely within their rights. If the Hispanic kids have a problem with the American flag in this country, they can head back over the border where they can celebrate their Mexican ancestry all day, every day. I’m sure they won’t be missed.