[quote=Essbee]I live a few blocks away and drive by that house all the time. (Twice this morning, so far).
The home has a huge sign above the main sign saying “HUD home”. Not sure what the implications of that are. Also, it was interesting that we got two flyers informing us of an open house there yesterday and today. I have never received a flyer for an open house in this neighborhood before.[/quote]
We (everyone in subdivision) got several reusable bags with Voak’s picture and info when he held the open house for a house on our street (and the flyer). I’m guessing he does not expect us to buy the house, he probably wants to recommend himself for the listing agent when we decide to sell.
EDIT: I believe ‘HUD home’ means it was an FHA home. It might be that someone really got it at close to 0 down (2008/2009 were the years of the tax credit) and decided to live rent-free for few years.