You have kids right? You have an 8k lot and it sounds like alot of grass. Do you actually let the kids play in the front yard? Do you use the back yard often, or is it something that is used 1 sat a month and twice on holidays?
You have a gardern right? Do you have everything on automatic watering, or do you only water when necessary?
Do you get sick of paying $100/month in water? or is it no big deal, just another cost like $5 coffee from starbucks and $4.50 gas in the SUV?
This isnt ment to be an knock against you. It isnt ment to be mean or question your life style, or suggest that I live a very different life style. I promise, I am asking this in absolutely the best of intensions, something like a friend asking over beers at happy hour. I just want to understand if people know that we are in for the big hurt with water in the coming years, and if they do, if they care. I want to understand the mentality people have to keep green lawns in a desert, in a drought.