UC San Diego’s Office of Student Research and Information is part of the university’s Academic Affairs division, and the official source for all undergraduate student admission, enrollment, and graduation statistics.
The Chinese (“rich” solely due to OUR bad trade decisions) wants to send their kids to CA public universities because THEY POLLUTED their OWN urban centers while trying to get “rich” off our dime. They succeeded in both. Now that want to take thousands of our (coveted) UC seats. We don’t owe these students a damn thing. Screw them and all other international students. Ban out-of-state admissions to under 200 in each campus (including all four years). That’s roughly 50-75 freshman admissions granted to OOS (LEGAL American) students per year for each campus (allowing for upperclassmen dropouts and transfer-outs). The coveted UC system should be reserved for QUALIFIED Cali Native/US CITIZENS, preferably those who attended all 13 years of K-12 grades in CA (who have admitting priority over new move-ins during HS). There are way more than enough QUALIFIED STUDENTS in this category to fill all nine campuses and then some. These kids are suffering as indigent adults with HS Diplomas, overpriced, worthless “certificates” from for-profit occupational schools and worthless “Associate of Transfer” degrees from CC which were designed solely to get them admitted to UC/CSU. But their local public university campuses turned them down for admission over accepting (often lesser-qualified) non-deserving, non-residents. The OOS tuition money will have to come from somewhere else. All over Cali, we have an entire generation of young adults who can’t get living wage jobs and can’t get admitted to their local public university (so matter HOW many rules they followed explicitly to get there) and it didn’t used to be this way in CA. And on and off campus housing didn’t used to be as exorbitantly-priced as it is now.
Esco, I don’t know why you are so bullish on incoming Chinese RE investors in CA. If they don’t have their papers already in order, I fail to see how droves of them are going to keep coming here to buy RE, especially if they are buying it for a future home for their so-called future UC college student and their admission rules change favoring LEGAL Cali residents and other AMERICANS.
I agree with XBoxBoy. I think Trump’s immigration plan is going to stem the tide of America giving away the store to foreigners and their interests. Eff ’em. This is OUR country, OUR state and OUR coveted university system(s). It’s not CA’s responsibility to educate the world on the backs of our OWN citizens!
If an American can’t go to MX or China and buy real estate (AND own the land it sits on) without a Chinese citizen or Mexican National on title with them, they why are THEY allowed to come over here and buy up ours (as NON-citizens), thereby driving up RE prices for natives? Enough is enough.