Sounds like you are bitter and ready to cling to your appraisal reports. 🙂
Same could be said for Texas; if repb said he was a Martian (no, not Ron Paul, he is a Moonian), he would still win Texas by 70-30. [/quote]
Huh? My participation in this thread wasn’t about the topic. That’s because I don’t think I know enough about the subject to have an informed opinion about it; and unlike some people we know, I know better than to shoot my mouth off until I do know something about the topic.
I was only commenting on the topic of civility and tolerance in the Pigg community. And Airborne insertion.
Having said that, you’re right about me being bitter about certain things (lending abuses, lying RE economists, crooked appraisals, uncivil society, etc), and I do stick up for my work to the extent that I can support it (occupational necessity). I’m not bitter about this election, though.