Equalizer said…
If Software companies, intel really wanted hire people coulnt they sponsor a few classe here at UCSD and SDSU to get more EE,CE and CS majors ready? The labor dept reqts to advertise for local people before hiring H1B is a major sham.
Sadly, not as easy as it seems. While the US has several of the top 10 best-rated universities in the World, when it comes to ‘normal’ education, the US is slipping behind.
I read an article recently that showed a worldwide educational league table, ie how many science/engineering/computing degrees per capita. Depsite the few very good (top 10) universities, the US as a whole was below the top 20 mark worldwide (in fact, I believe India actually came out higher).
Also, more students last year graduated with a degree in Sports Fitness
than did in Electrical Enginering!
Science and Math simply aren’t being taken up in the kind of numbers you need to have a totally homegrown workforce
As for H1B’s..I only have anecdotal experience of a small group of specialised companies.
My husband works as a games programmer for a large Japanese company here in Santa Monica. Of the 10 other programmers, 4 are from the UK, one Canadian and 3 Swedes. Only 3 of the 11 are Americans.
And its not as if there’s no opportunity to hire US Citizens – one post was left empty for 18 months while they tried to fill it with homegrown talent. Couldn’t do it.
This is also true for many other games companies here in LA: half or over half of the programmers are H1B’s.
As for the H1B ‘sham’…if @@NY is having problems recruiting sufficently qualified US citizens, what hope do smaller companies have?