Anybody seen their water bill lately? Anyone care to comment on what the city of San Diego has done with fees for water over the past few years? Anyone care to comment on FLUs comments about SDGE?
I recommend listening to PBS radio – editors roundtable discussed this today.
BTW they sent out a letter in December to give a chance to ratepayers to protest this hike and something like 0.1% of the billpayers mailed those! (yes, I did)
What really pisses me off is that last year I reduced my water use by 50% and my water bill barely changed! Looks like there are some really big water users that we are all subsidizing , and the higher powers are trying their best to hide it from us![/quote]
enron, I reduced my water bill last year MORE than 50%. And as my “reward,” my sewer bill (beginning 7/1/10) was reduced to $35 bimonthly.
I was going thru all my bills the last two days trying to wring a few hundred dollars extra out of them. I had had my sprinkler system “upgraded” last May to a new “high-powered” system. Even though I have the stations set on 3-5 mins each, it boosted my water usage WAY UP! The City Sewer Division bases their July 1 adjustments to a resident’s bill based upon the lowest month’s water usage between Oct 1 and Apr 30. I called the sewer division to find out the bad news and now have to reduce my water consumption by 2/3 to ensure my sewer bill is NOT raised to $79 bimonthly for FY 11/12 (HIGHER than it’s ever been). I have until Apr 30 to receive a 66% lower reading on my water meter. Needless to say, I turned OFF the sprinkler system and will begin selective “hand-watering” beginning tomorrow until 5/1/11. I’m also timing showers and will elect to do less laundry and am quickly washing dishes by hand instead of running the d/w.
I turned off the heat last week. Even though my new thermostat’s high was set at 65 deg for 3 hrs per day and 62 deg the rest of the day/night for Dec/Jan, my bills were $79 and $88 respectively. A “normal” bill is $35-$52. This is highway robbery that I can ill-afford. I have a medium-large house but refuse to participate in the game. I don’t care if a tsunami threatens my area. The heat will NOT go back on this season. I can’t afford it anymore.
Break out the sweatshirts :={
Piggs, I’m thinking of calling my ins agent Monday and canceling my comp/collision coverage on my vehicle to shave $340 yr off my auto premium. It will be 18 years old in June and its KBB Private Party value is about $3K. Of course, I own it outright. It is a Japanese “luxury” car with expensive parts and body. Would Piggs do this, or just bite the bullet and keep the coverage. I can’t afford to replace it with ANYTHING drivable if something happens to it that is deemed “my fault.” Currently, it runs like a charm. But I need to reduce my monthly expenses for a few months, pronto.
Edit: I forgot to mention that my comp/collision coverage has a $500 deductible provision. Would Piggs just raise the deductible to $1,000 in my case, or do away with the coverage entirely?