[quote=Enorah]This law protects children who lives in homes where they are being abused – sexually, verbally, physically, etc.
If your parents are beating the crap out of you and you get pregnant, what do you think they are going to do when you tell them you are pregnant? Take your hand, give you a hug, and counsel you?
Huh ?
What about all those children who are in abusive households who are not pregnant ?
How are we going to protect them.
My point is that their are laws to protect children from abuse. A child in an abusive household should seek protection from authorities or a trusted relative, whether or not they are pregnant.
The proposition that was defeated has nothing to do with abuse. That argument was simply a red herring argument to get your vote.
The proposition sought to provide parental notification in the case where minors sought a specific elective medical procedure.
The problem is that the type of specific medical procedure is one that incites extreme emotions from both sides.
Personally, I do not believe that minors under a certain age (we can argue whether it is 14, 16 or 18) should be able to obtain any elective medical procedure without parental consent.
Are there other non-emergency medical procedures that can be performed on minors without parental consent ?