Enorah. I agree with you 100% that we do not have a system in place to handle the needs of abused children. Nobody can deny that child abuse and neglect is a horrific problem in our society. That is exactly why it was used as a red herring to get people to defeat prop 4.
But, what makes you think that lack of parental notification improves the lives of those who are abused ?
I contend that defeat of prop 4 does nothing to protect our youth from abuse. I also contend that passage of prop 4 also would do nothing to protect our youth from abuse.
Parental notification will not turn a non-abusive household into an abusive one.
Abusive and violent people DO NOT NEED AN EXCUSE to be violent or abusive. An abusive person abuses their victim regardless.
Presuming that parental notification gives abusers an excuse to abuse their child is naive.