Enjoying the comments on parenting. I would like to hear your views Nostradamus. Yours truly is nto of the opinion that people who have not yet had children can’t know what the are talking about on the topic. I was a genius at parenting before I had kids and now I am an idiot, so there is your proof.
We don’t have cable and probably never will. My Kids do get to watch Videos that are either focusing on character like “Thomas the Train” or education, the “Magic School Bus” has been a good series.If I try to make them watch a video, for me to get a break, they inevitably say “Too many videos are not good for us dad”.
We have put out Christmas gift wish list(by request) there are as many don’t gives as do. We will decide when they have action figures and associated videos, when they have video games (probably never), toy guns are out even if it is snuck in as a bubble blowing or plane launching thingy. I am sure this all doesn’t determine how a kid turns out unless you live in Columbine or Santee but that is the way it is around here.