I’m going to read between the lines a bit here, and notice that it seems you are allowing yourself to get emotional about this. Maybe you really want this house, or maybe you really want a house or maybe some other reason. BUT… this is going to be a long drawn out process, and one that you don’t want to get emotional about. You need to take a deep breath and see if you can put yourself into that place that gives you the sense of mind to see that if this doesn’t work out, it’s best to walk away.
There will be other houses in the future. Despite some of the hysteria being generated by the news and babbling punditry, prices are not going to skyrocket back up to where they were. You are not going to get priced out forever. This is not some incredible opportunity that you absolutely must pursue at all costs.
As an engineer, I know it can be hard to not be the master of the situation. We want to do everything possible to further what we see as our interests. But often when we try to influence things too much we make things worse.
Bottom line here is to sit back and relax. You have a long wait ahead of you, and it might easily turn out to be something that does not work out. Good luck with it, but don’t get emotional about it.