[quote=EconProf] . . . This generosity did not exist a couple of decades ago, before public sector unions became politically powerful and muscled their way to such affluence. You can’t blame them–they are doing what they can for their members–that’s what unions do. We can blame the weak-kneed politicians for caving and for thinking short term instead of long-term. And we can blame ourselves, the voters, for allowing it to happen. We are paying the price now and will continue to do so until some kind of roll-back is implemented.[/quote]
EconProf, the “weak-kneed politicians” that are generally “voted-in” are those with “experience.” Jerry Brown is a good example of this. Arnold, with no government experience at all, had to surround himself with a *fleet* of *experienced bureaucrats* before he could find his way to the men’s rooms at the State Capitol (after Davis left office). Those “experienced, weak-kneed politicians” we put in place in CA are members of the “system” themselves! I don’t see them as “weak-kneed.” I see them as looking out for their own best interests!
We can’t have it both ways so what else should we, as voters, expect?
Also, I wanted to add that government pensions are paid ONLY out of their respective retirement systems. Those systems are run by Boards elected periodically by their members. These systems are funded by a combination of employee and employer contributions and are invested for growth, dividends and income. Some systems are more “solvent” than others (depending on the management skills of each Board and investment performance).