[quote=eavesdropper][quote=sunny88]My wife and I received a letter from a realtor recently stating that “divorce is an uncomfortable process, no matter what the reasons behind it…. Either way, I am here to help you both”. ……I’m even thinking of filing a complaint to the Department of Real Estate. What do you think?[/quote]
sunny, no question about it: the guy is not only cheap and sleazy, he’s obviously clueless, too.
You can file a complaint with the appropriate state government agency, but I’m willing to bet you’ll get someone who will tell you that Sleazoid acted appropriately and entirely within the law. While implying that you’re exhibiting spoiled middle class citizen behavioral traits by calling to complain.
I think that you’ll get a lot more satisfaction if you find public arenas in which to embarrass him. You won’t have to risk slander or libel: simply provide the details of this guy’s brilliant and innovative direct marketing ploy, like you did here, and the word will spread. Letters to local newspapers if they have “citizen bitchin'” columns. Real estate sites where you can enter comments on this guy’s listings. Perhaps a YouTube video.
However, the frustrated ACLU attorney deep inside me thinks that you might want to phone the guy first, and tell him that you didn’t appreciate what he did. He may be having a really tough time of it financially, like so many these days, desperately trying to come up with marketing ideas that will keep him in business, and the thought that it might be hurtful and offensive to potential clients didn’t occur to him. Cluelessness can be a situation-related temporary condition – it isn’t always a hard-wired character deficiency.
But if the guy does turn out to be the total dick that everyone’s predicting, go for the jugular, baby![/quote]
I agree with you completely. The guy’s name is Brian Flock.