Allan, I’m disappointed. I would have expected someone with your savoir faire to have said it in French…
So true. But I wouldn’t count him out completely just yet. For all we know he may simply be taking time off for a sabbatical at the University of Virginia, immersing himself in their immense Thomas Jefferson collection (it’s no secret that he’s an esteemed Jeffersonian scholar.)
Or there’s the possibility that he’ll follow Sarah Palin to the Council on Foreign Relations for a year-long fellowship. And did I hear something on Twitter about a Rhodes scholarship?
As for my opinion on what the future holds for him, there’s no doubt in my mind……
Glenn Beck is John Galt.[/quote]
Eaves: Being German on both sides of the family, I’m not allowed to speak French. Not unless I want members of my family taking over my house, expropriating all my stuff and holding victory parades in my backyard.
I was kinda seeing Beck going Old School, as in classical learning. You know: Tacitus, Seneca and Ovid.
Speaking of Ovid and Glenn Beck (talk about a weird juxtaposition): Here’s a little Ovid quote that seems apropos, “acta deos nunquam mortalia fallunt”.