Alan, you are absolutely linguicious! That one actually made me light-headed.
I’ve had to discipline myself this weekend (and I don’t mean in a fun way). I’m cramming for exams, so have had to severely curtail my Piggs time. It’s been quite painful.
Sometimes I think you do this just to torture me. You brute.[/quote]
Eaves: “Linguicious”? Wow. That one wins “Word of the Week”. I was going to give it to BigGubment and his use of “evility” (to describe Monsanto), but yours is better. “Evility” is close to another fave of mine, “deviltry”, and it has an Austin Powers-esque ring to it, but “linguicious” is better. It is a tad bit suggestive (wholly unintentionally, I’m sure), but we can overlook that.
I do this to torture you? Nay! Perish the thought! And, honestly, why is THIS always about YOU?