eavesdropper, thanks for mentioning all the adults on “`questionable’ SS disability compensation” (SSD) as well as kids qualifying for the same program (based alone upon their being prescribed Ritalin for “ADHD”) . . . lol. It is little known by the public that the SSD (and the “SSI” program) has been raiding the OASDI program since their inception. These (over)payments to individuals who fed no FICA payments into the “system” are/will actually take away from those who did.
Many SSI recipients are simply immigrants who were brought into this country (when they were already over 60 years of age) by “sponsors” who promised the INS that they would financially support them for life as a condition of their residency and eventual green card. When the sponsor(s) fell on “hard times” (i.e. lived beyond their means, overmortgaged their propertie(s), etc.), they claimed they were no longer able to “support” their elderly relative (still living with them) so the relative applied for SSI (to help with household income). MANY were successful (esp. here in South County).
eavesdropper, you are absolutely correct in that the government and Congress are “looking the the other way” from this (and the aforementioned “loopholes”) when trying to determime why the OASDI fund may not be solvent for you and me to collect when our time comes (God forbid should any younger Piggs EVER be able to). The working public should be very angered by these systematic raids of their FICA withholdings to this Ponzi scheme for which the uses of the $$ are allocated at the whim of whoever’s currently supposed to be “minding the store.” I for one am outraged, but a fat lot of good this will do me :=[