Eavesdropper I agree with your posts, and the misrepresentation of them in the media does occur which is very sad. Equally sad, or perhaps moreso is that racism is alive and well everywhere. Right now our family is on the Outer Banks in Nags Head on vacation and yesterday I saw a few pickups drive by with the confederate flag in the back of them. Pretty sad.
By the same token I do not view the Madison NBC News as a blog or racially motivated posting board. They used the term “beatings” when discussing the witnesses reports. The WIsonsin State Journal did not, they used the words attacks, the ABC affiliate WISN quoted police saying that “One officer described it as a “mob beating”…
So while you want to attribute the whole thing to every blog and forum you read misrepresenting what really happened, I am not so sure that this is accurate. So yes groupspeak and all that does exist and it goes in both directions.
People become fearul to not speak out against wrongdoing, racism is evil no matter what the direction. As sad and disgusting a sight it was to see confederate flags flying where I am vacationing right now, I am equally very very happy I was not in my car that night at the state fair in Wisconsin.