[quote=earlyretirement] . . . I wish I was as optimistic as some of you with how the online education will change the cost structure of a college degree but I don’t see this happening anytime soon.
My prediction is a University degree from a respected university will be much more expensive 10 years from now as it is today.[/quote]
ER, I agree with this. For-profit online universities such as University of Phoenix charge more than $1000 for one three credit-hour class lasting approximately one month.
They seem to have no shortage of students (who are no doubt deeply indebted with student-loans) who tout how “fast” it is to get a degree from UOP in comparison to “brick and mortar” schools.
I haven’t researched the dropout rates of these for-profit online schools. I suspect a good portion of their students run out of $$ quickly when they discover the amounts of their current loan balances, become scared and quit taking out loans.
I think a degree needs to be from an “accredited and recognized” college in order to make the graduate employable in their field of major. I think most employers can see straight thru degrees from online “diploma mills.”
And the CA Legislature isn’t going to suddenly decimate the CA Education Code as it applies to retirement formulas long ago voted in by the UC Regents and CSU Board of Trustees.