[quote=earlyretirement][quote=EconProf]BearishGirl: Please reread and take to heart Ren’s comments about your posts. Your responses showed it had no impact on you. But it was constructive criticism and probably represents the feelings of many Piggs.
Anyone else agree?[/quote]
I’ve been posting on internet message forums since the Internet began. I’m very active on some and less on others.
My take is this…. you will ALWAYS have people that rub you the wrong way or that you disagree with or that disagree with you.
I’ve seen it all. The “know it alls”, “the crude and rude”, the “intelligent and polite and informative”, the “people that would write things they would never say to your face in person”, etc. All kinds and all types.
My philosophy is you can’t get too offended by ANYTHING someone writes. I don’t think some people care what others think of them while others do.
I’ve been on some message boards where people drive me absolutely crazy but typically I’ve never ignored anyone because it’s very rarely that I haven’t learned something or taken something positive out of posts from people. (Even if it was what NOT to do…).
I’m only speaking in generalities here but I think you have to take what anyone says with a grain of salt and not get too frazzled on these message boards.
My philosophy on internet message boards is anytime you get too frazzled or angry or stressed or worried from reading something, then it’s typically a time to take a step back and take some time off from it for at least a while.
You will always have people on the Internet that you disagree with or that annoy you. If it annoys you that much the ignore key is helpful.[/quote]
ITA. Well said, ER.
There are plenty of people on this board that annoy me regularly. But every now and then they post something that makes me think, or see an alternate perspective. I’m sure I annoy plenty of people, myself.
I wouldn’t come here to read/discuss if I felt I knew everything about everything, already.