North County is pretty much the best place in the world as far as I’m concerned. One of my old neighbors confirmed it the other day. He said that he has homes around the world(including one in Bali) for work in the oil industry because he travels a lot. He said that if he could retire and sell all the places the one he’d keep in the one on Neptune. He said he’d just go for a walk down neptune everday with his dog and wife and that would be all he needs.
I know lots of people like him.[/quote]
I’d have to absolutely 100% agree with you. SD North Country to me is one of the best places in the world when you look at all the quality of life factors in play.
I’ve been all over the world (550+ cities and counting) and I also own a few homes and properties in other countries and while some have certain factors that are great… none can match the overall quality of life, safety, year-round weather, and convenience of San Diego.
When we were deciding to settle down with our kids to raise them, we could have moved to any city in the world and San Diego was a no brainer. This is one of the best places on Earth to live.[/quote]
Glad I’m not the only one that feels so fortunate to have found this amazing place to live. My same friend mentioned the safety aspect as well.