[quote=DWCAP]Obama for smaller Gov. RIGHT! Same as he is gonna cut spending like he promised in the last Debate right?
“The nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget has found that both Obama and McCain are proposing combinations of tax and spending policies that would increase the federal deficit. It found that in 2013, Obama’s proposals would produce a net deficit increase of $286 billion, while McCain’s major policies would produce a net deficit increase of between $167 billion and $259 billion. In talking to CNN, CRFB President Maya MacGuineas estimated that McCain’s deficit increase would fall midway between the extremes of that range, at $211 billion.” -Factcheck.org
I know gandoff and breeze and the rest wont listen to this, but those of you saying that Republicans are entirely to blame and Democrats, ANY democrat, is better are no better than the red state blindmen you so hate. Policies matter, not the letter after your name, and frankly our two choices have nearly the same polices. So our choice is bad policies or exactly the same bad policies in a little different wrapper. WOW! whata choice.
Thanks for the objective comparison of deficit results. Interesting. I am curious how far out their projections go? My hope is some plan will work long term. No one has all the answers (and they are all politicians and will, to a greater or lesser extent, say what it takes to get elected).
My bet is, with Obama’s focus on alternative energy development and education, his long term results will be far advanced beyon McCain’s “buy every one a house” technique.