DWCAP, I agree with you, I was harsh, he had some good things to say when he was ringing the alarm bell, albeit years after it had been rung. It didn’t happen as he said it would, he folded his tent, I’m a jerk for pointing that out. But you popped off on the arrows so if i were him I’d jump on you first, since you are clearly a bigger jerk than me because i need the arrows to point to graph directions and peaks. See what i did right there, I’m making you the slower water buffalo in case a lion shows up. This is so fun.
threadkiller, it may look like you just made a casual observation but you just called bottom, how come when I did it, I got four pages of crap and threadkiller gets one hit, is it his screen name? Should we cahnge it to thread”teflon”killer or are people afraid of you because the word “killer” is in your name and showtime is running all for seasons of dexter this summer? It’s suspicious either way.