While at making unfounded claims, just parroting your masters at wall street does not help much.
If it is regular folk buying up the ammo to the point of causing shortage, where are they storing it? Has there been a commensurate increase in storage space? Increase in usage?
Anyway, don’t bother. Did not realize you were a partisan.[/quote]
My masters of wall street? I’m not even sure which direction you think I’m partisan. The left? The right? Wall street is buying ammo? Any evidence that the government is buying more ammo now than in the past? Anybody actually having problems buying as much ammo as they want? Mass shooters don’t seem to have much of a problem getting 1300 rounds. Do you need more than that?
It’s a pretty easy come-back. Just claim that I’m following what others who control me are telling me how to think. If you’ve followed anything I’ve said here over the last five years, you’d know that I don’t believe much of anything. I need evidence. So far you’ve provided none. I won’t hold my breath.