[quote=dumbrenter][quote=SK in CV]Ok, so I just got around to reading the linked article and this part stood out to me:
“I guess the liberal media get annoyed when Senators listen to their constituents and think for themselves, rather than doing the media’s bidding,” Bill Kristol, the editor-in-chief of the Weekly Standard, told POLITICO.
The odd thing about this, is that the Senators didn’t listen to their constituents. If they had, the vote would have been a landslide to pass at least some of the background check proposals, which are resoundingly favored across the country.
So the press coverage wasn’t so much partisan as much as it was reflective of listener opinion, including NRA members. Except for the gun lobby NRA members.[/quote]
Does it matter to you that it could be possible that Senators did their homework, actually listened to their constituents and are more accurate than some media sponsored polls?
If the senators listened wrong, they pay for it by losing the election. On the other hand, these media polls are setup by people who want to influence the agenda, the numbers they put out are a means for their agenda, not an end. Why would you want to trust them?[/quote]
Where have I heard that before? The polls are all wrong. Romney is going to win by a landslide.
No, it’s not possible the Senators did their homework, unless by homework, you mean opposing everything that the administration wants or voting the way the NRA tells them to. Some of them (at least 3) stated in public that they supported background checks, but still voted against the background check amendment that was supported by overwhelming majorities in their states. So what exactly is it that these Senators knew and failed to communicate to their constituency?