Context, Context….You might want to re-read what I wrote. My observations about correlation relate to actions of moneyed class and general availability of arms & ammunition. This was in response to your specific question “Irrespective of that, I would think that if there is a connection between the monied crowd and gun control, it could be identified. Is Monsanto funding gun control advocacy? JP Morgan? Goldman Sachs?”
I did not make an “assertion” nor claimed “evidence”.
It would be my pleasure to provide you with my reasoning (fully acknowledging I could be wrong) but your distortion of context (deliberate or otherwise) make it harder for me to communicate with you.
Going back to what you “thought” I was referring to: deflation is already being tried, interest rates have been kept low and QE game of buying up treasuries to lower the yield is what is going on now. please enlighten us what else can be done to keep the deflation going?
I’ll discount black swan events (and alien attacks) since the very nature of those, by definition, are hard to predict and quantify.
The option of slow growth is dictated not by monetary policy but by the patience of the holders of paper assets and those countries in whose interest it is to keep buying treasuries. I honestly do not know how long they’d want to go but it cannot be forever.
so, by elimination, the only two remaining options are what I mentioned before. You can already see elements of option ‘b’ beginning this year.
Now, I’d love for you to tell my why either of those options will not be considered.[/quote]
You both made an assertion and claimed you had evidence for it. Here’s your assertion:
SK, in near future the country will face an either/or choice: (a) inflate massively to get out of this hole
(b) raise taxes and at the same time cut welfare across the board.
I’m not sure how the context is important here. That’s a pretty absolute claim.
And then you said:
That said, to be clear, I have no “conclusive evidence” other than a set of correlations.
Now that that’s out of the way…
QE has not caused any significant deflation. Deflation, by definition is an inflation rate below zero. Inflation was negative during the 15 months immediately following the onset of QE1, coinciding with the recession, but there has been positive inflation for the last 40 months that data is available. So your question of “what else can be done to keep the deflation going” again begs the question. The premise of your question is invalid.
You’ve hardly eliminated every other option. The Fed is likely to reduce QE spending by the end of this year. It’s very possible that the economy will continue to limp along as it has been, and barring obstructionist roadblocks, government debt will continue to paid on time, with only relatively small expansion of that debt, and even a continuation of the reduction in the debt/GDP ratio, without further tax increases and without further spending cuts.
Foreign central and private banks will stop buying US debt when….probably never. They really don’t have a lot of attractive alternatives.
And back to the original question…is there any evidence that those with money and power are pushing an anti-gun agenda? So far, all you’ve provided is some scenarios based on false premises, explaining why there may be motivation for them to do so. Surely, if the Fed or Wall Street was trying to take our guns, there would be some evidence of that actually happening.