[quote=dumbrenter][quote=CA renter] And I’ve never heard of a white U.S. citizen taking over a commercial airliner in order to commit a terrorist act, yet they are the majority of people who are subjected to TSA screenings.
While I don’t really disagree with what you have to say, you might want to get educated a little about “white”ness of the terrorists who belong to the moslem faith (generally considered to be terrorists). There are millions of them who are racially white and have been moslem for generations. Additionally many of those from the Levant will easily pass for white. I wonder how you will be able to screen them out.
They might even be your neighbors!! I think you should start on a procedure for “white”ness test and you might even save us some taxpayer money.
That way you can have TSA grope all blacks (or is it still ni*&ers for you?), yellow people, slit eyes and all but leave your “white US citizen” alone.
You are correct about passengers on private flights not being subject to same level of inspection. You had my sympathy till you came up with this!
My apologies to other readers for this hijack.[/quote]
You are 100% correct, and I should have worded my post differently. When I said “white U.S. citizen,” I was referring to the “traditional white American,” going back multiple generations — the WASP-ish American (though including other Christian religions) and/or American of northern/western European decent. I’m sure you’ll find these descriptions offensive as well, and I apologize for that in advance. If you can find a better way to put it, please feel free to share it.
The point is that the vast majority of terrorists who hijack commercial airliners are Muslims, most often from the Middle East. Yes, this will bring about howls of criticism from those who believe we should never profile, but there has yet to be a more effective, cost-efficient way of screening people who are considered to be high risk. It is ridiculous that elderly grandmothers and young children are being subjected to this screening when they have never to my knowledge been involved in any hijacking event.
I also believe that any significant cultural changes have to come from within a particular group. Nobody wants to be told what to do by an “outsider” who doesn’t understand the culture, beliefs, and habits of a particular group. If enough law-abiding Muslims are inconvenienced to the point that they get sick and tired of the profiling, they might put more pressure on those who are causing the problems within their communities.
Of course, you might think it’s preferable to spend billions upon billions more so that we can be politically correct, but we can agree to disagree on that front.