Actually, I AM supportive of US wages not being driven to the ground by (skilled) H-1B workers and the like. HOWEVER, $11.75 – $13.95 IS a bit higher than Colo min wage AND there are likely 2-4 adult workers (full or PT) living in every rental farmhouse we’re talking about here.
Then you are supporting movement of jobs away from US to China/India/Others.
You can’t have it both ways.
I would import doctors in thousands to drive down the medical costs. But that’s just me, nobody seems to want it.[/quote]
Actually, no. My support for curtailment/elimination of work visas to work in the US has nothing to do with “offshoring.” The H1-B jobs that are left here will likely never leave the US. I’m supporting employers hiring well-qualified AMERICANS for these jobs which they are giving to H1-B holders.
You would be SHOCKED at how many well-qualified boomers are currently unemployed or under-employed (and not by choice)! I’m not saying that small biz should offer them all FT jobs and pay their humungous medical-plan premiums. (I realize small biz’s dilemma and am so over that now.)
But I AM saying that they could hire them at least PT or on a job-sharing basis (ex: 2-20 hr emps) to fill one FT position and let them get coverage on the state exchanges. This would enable a LOT of unemployed boomers to actually pay the balance of their monthly healthcare premium after their tax credits kick in. As we all know, the premiums on the state exchanges are quite a bit higher for this population than they were for the fittest boomers under the old plans.
Employers are idiots to just let this older-but-still-fit highly-experienced workforce just sit idly by while hiring the younger (inexperienced) worker and H1-B workers instead, both groups of whom boomers could likely work circles around while handcuffed.
Age discrimination in the US has had the effect of forcing a lot of us into the gym over the last decade. Sure, we’re now the fittest we’ve ever been but you can only spend so many hours a day being a “gym rat” :=]
For example, there are a LOT of tech positions in the US filled by H1-B workers as well as foreign workers here on other programs. Uhhh, HELLO-O-O-O out there …? There are PLENTY of qualified boomers to take these jobs.
I know you techies don’t want to believe it but your boomer-brethren REALLY HAS and CAN obtain updated skills to work in today’s tech jobs. It isn’t that hard for them to obtain updated certifications because many of them have worked in tech since the mainframe and punch cards were in use by biz and govm’t. Believe it or not, they WROTE THOSE PROGRAMS back then and understand everything … perfectly.
There is too much employment-related age discrimination going on the US and part of the reason is the amount of foreign skilled labor allowed to work here indefinitely. Gen X and Y doesn’t want to support American boomers with early SS and other public aid and they wouldn’t have to if many boomers could delay their “retirements” until age 70 or so if they actually had a paying job.