[quote=Dukehorn]Do you ever travel internationally and think what other people are paying in taxes?
It’s not called THEFT (no matter how much you want to unintelligibly scream on the internet) to pay taxes unless you think the US Government was stealing from us from 1932 to 1982 (all rates 50% or higher for the highest bracket).[/quote]
This is more BS logic. Just b/c other countries tax higher or the U.S. used to tax higher, it makes it right? People used to smoke a lot more cigarettes from 1932 to 1982, did that make it the right thing to do? Yes I travel internationally I’m in Thailand right now. I like Hong Kong’s tax code. Boy France, Italy, Greece and Spain are just KILLING it economically right now with there higher than the U.S. income tax rates aren’t they? Jeez soooo many innovative job creating companies like Google and Apple come out of Italy and Spain you can’t even count ’em!
Top 5% income earners in the U.S. already pays 40% of all income taxes. I don’t know the exact figure, but probably the top 10% pay 70%. So in summary, a small amount of financially successful people already pay pretty much most of the bills in this county. They are going to pay for Obama Care and Prop 30 in CA. And you want them to pay more? Insert Steve Forbes 17% flat tax plan here.