Where were you guys in the early 90’s? We had people walking away, S&L’s going awash and tax dollars bailed out Texas and CA S&Ls. Its too bad you guys didn’t become the CEOs of WAMU, Citi, Chase, WFC, etc. CA had non-recourse loans in the 90s and still does. If these execs weren’t stupid dems they would NEVER had made loans in CA with non-recourse and the state would have been forced to change laws. [For Example, the former CEO of Fannie, Franklin Raines is 100% dem and probably a good friend of Obama]
So I ask anyone here, WTF were these banks doing by making any loans in this people republic of CA? Didn’t they remember that dems in 90’s in CA didn’t honor their contracts? If anyone can give a straight answer or really hilarious one, I’ll buy em a smooth drink.